Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about ILLiad


  1. What is ILLiad? Who can use it?
  2. How is ILLiad better than traditional ILL systems?
  3. Is it more difficult to use an electronic system?
  4. Why do I need a username and password to use ILLiad?
  5. What if I forget my password?
  6. Can I see all my older requests when I look at my request history?
  7. Do you still accept the paper request cards?
  8. What Web browser should I use?
  9. Can I use the system if I don't have a personal computer?
  10. Is security a problem if I use a public workstation?
  11. What is Electronic Delivery?
  12. Who do I contact if I have problems with or questions about ILLiad?
  13. Why does my browser say that it's sending a cookie? What's in it?
  14. Why does e-mail from ILLiad look like gibberish on my computer?

What is ILLiad? Who Can Use It?

InterLibrary Loan internet accessible database.

ILLiad is an electronic system used to process Interlibrary Loan requests. It offers real-time tracking and information for users, and highly automated, streamlined processes for ILL staff.

ILLiad is a service of University Library, supporting faculty, staff, and students of the College of Arts and Sciences, Engineering, Weatherhead School of Management, and all CWRU staff.

All CWRU libraries support select schools and departments on campus, and all have Interlibrary Loan departments with specialized expertise to serve their users. 

How is ILLiad better than traditional ILL systems?

  1. Logon once. Tired of filling out your name, department, campus address, email for each request you make?
  2. Online tracking. Need to track the progress of your requests?
  3. Increased accuracy. Dislike trying to fit all your citation information neatly on a paper form?
  4. Data and Reports... ILLiad stores information in a searchable database.
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Is it more difficult to use an electronic system?

Use ILLiad from anywhere you have access to a web browser.

Submit requests 24/7 instead of only during library hours. Forget about having to find and fill out paper requests. Communicate more quickly with us. The tradeoffs are strong ones.
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Why do I need a username and password to use ILLiad?

Secure access to information.

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What if I forget my password?

If you forget your password, contact the Interlibrary Loan Office at (216) 368-3517 or

  1. We will clear your current password, allowing you access to your ILLiad account.
  2. Use "ill" as your temporary password. Logon to ILLiad. Reset your password.

NOTE: Only ILL staff can clear ILLiad accounts.

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Will I see all my older requests when I look at my request history?

You will see your entire request history for the current and prior fiscal year.

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Do you still accept the paper request cards?

All interlibrary loan requests are now processed through ILLiad. The system is highly automated and relies on electronic information to be most efficient for you and library staff.

If you need assistance using a Web browser in general, or ILLiad in particular, please contact the Interlibrary Loan office at (216) 368-3517 or ILL or Main Service Desk at (216)368-3506 will be pleased to assist you.

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What Web browser should I use?

Use the browser of your choice, but update it so that it can handle forms, tables, and frames, the minimal current configuration for browsing the Web.

Both browsers are available for the Windows 3.x, Windows 95 or NT, and Macintosh O/S operating systems. Netscape Navigator is available for UNIX.
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Can I use the system if I don't have a personal computer?

You don't need a personal computer to enter ILL requests on ILLiad.

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Is security a problem if I use a public workstation?

Web browsers cache information and create a history file on the local workstation. Therefore, a subsequent user of the workstation can access ILLiad under your name by using the browser's Back button to recall a page from the cache, or by finding a page with your personal information in the browser's history file. If you are concerned about the security of your interlibrary loan requests, you can take the following steps:

  • When using a public access workstation:
    • Delete from the history file those pages that contain your personal information.
    • Exit from the Web browser before you leave the workstation. This prevents the Back button from accessing the pages you were using.
  • For best security, use ILLiad from your personal computer or a secure workstation.
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What is electronic delivery?

If libraries ship photocopies of articles to us in electronic format, we will offer you the option of electronic delivery of these articles in PDF format (Adobe's Portable Document Format), instead of printing these articles and delivering them to you. At present, this is not a frequent occurrence, but we expect it to increase. You can read more about electronic delivery on the Electronic Delivery Information page.

Major changes in electronic delivery will be announced to the CWRU community, as the industry evolves.
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Who do I contact if I have problems with or questions about ILLiad?

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Why does my browser say that it's sending a cookie? What's in it?

The Active Server Pages technology that we use to provide live reporting for the web sends a Session ID to be stored on your machine. You can refuse this cookie and still be able to use the ILL web pages and ILLiad without any problems.

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Why does e-mail from ILLiad look like gibberish on my computer?

You may be reading your e-mail on VTVM1 or on a UNIX computer, with a mail reader that is not MIME-compliant. We do not know of a solution to this problem on VTVM1. On a UNIX computer, either you or your system administrator should be able to upgrade your mail system to be MIME-compliant.  One solution is to use a program named metamail, which you can read about at

Technical background

The ILLiad mailer uses the Internet standard quoted-printable encoding when it sends you an automated message. This encoding is part of the MIME standard. MIME stands for Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions.

MIME has two purposes. First, it allows mail applications to tell one another what sort of data is in mail. Second, it provides standard ways for mail applications to encode data so it can be sent through the Internet mail system. MIME encoding overcomes the limitations of the SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) that is used to move mail over the Internet. SMTP is limited to the US-ASCII character set.

Metamail is a Unix program that can decode MIME-encoded mail. Some UNIX mailers, for example ELM, will automatically call metamail, resulting in an error message if metamail is not found on the system. Other UNIX mailers, for instance PINE, have the native ability to handle MIME messages.

You can find a link to a source for metamail on the UNIX Bag of Tricks page

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