Customer Help for ILLiad Users
- First Time Users
- Changing Your User Information
- Special User Statuses (WSOM/DM Distance Ed Graduates, Alumni Online Library, Faculty of CAS/CSE/WSOM, Post-Doctoral, Visiting Scholars, KSL Depository Request Users)
- Changing a Password
- Requesting a Book (Loan)
- Requesting a Photocopy (Article)
- View Outstanding Requests
- Editing a Request
- Cancelling a Request
- View Electronically Received Articles
- View Checked-Out Items
- Request a Renewal
- View Cancelled Requests
- Re-submit a Request
- View Request History
- View All Requests
- Clone a Request
- Check Status of Request
- Explanation of Request Statuses
- View Notifications
- Can't Logon?
- Can't Submit Requests?
- Can't Find Requests?
First Time Users
- A profile of your personal information and preferences must be created before you begin using the ILLiad Interlibrary Loan system. Your general CASE library circulation account must be in good standing to register. If your registration is denied, check with the Main Service Desk staff at (216)368-3506 for current information on fines, expired accounts, or other patron account information. Once your account is established, you will simply logon to the ILLiad system with a Username and Password.
- From the initial ILLiad page select the 'First Time Users' link. (If you have previously set up a profile on ILLiad and are having difficulty logging in, please do not create a new account -- contact ILL staff by e-mail at or phone at 216-368-3463 or 216-368-3517 M-F 9AM-4:30PM about your account status, correct Username, or resetting your password if you cannot do so automatically -- at 'Forgot Password?' link at main Logon page.)
- A First Time User Registration preliminary information page will appear. Please read the document and copyright statement -- note links to the FAQ and KSL Copyright pages, also. To continue, click on the button located at the bottom of the page.
- The New User Registration Form will appear. Enter as much information as
possible. Please note that all information you enter will appear in your account profile as originally typed in -- e.g., if you do not capitalize proper names (first or last personal names; street or city names in address fields), they will appear the same way in e-mail communications and on printed documents (loan slips & labels). Required fields will be indicated by a red asterisk "*" and may not be left blank; you will receive an error message or messages -- '(Field Name) is a required field.' -- when trying to submit your registration, and the required field name tag(s) will re-display in red. (You may use the 'Tab' button to navigate through all the fields within the registration form, and use the scrollbar in you browser to assist with viewing the full page. Do not use the 'Enter' key to navigate through the form before completing all fields -- this is equivalent to clicking on the 'Submit Information' button.) Personal profile information to be entered, as follows:
- First Name, Last Name
- CASE Account Number (Click this link for help -- this is NOT your Social Security Number.)
- This number is assigned to you by University Administration and is required for proper authentication when you first register in ILLiad, as well as every time you log into your account thereafter. You will not need to update this in your profile after initial registration.
- If you enter this number incorrectly, or enter a number that does not match that currently in your circulation record, you will receive the error message 'Blocked due to user not found.' This may also occur when duplicate circulation records exist for your name, or the line containing this piece of data is missing from your record. You will need to check with the Main Service Desk at 216-368-3506, to verify your current CASE Account Number and have any discrepancies corrected.
- E-Mail Address (CASE account preferred, but use one you check regularly.)
- Daytime Phone Number (with voicemail or answering machine recommended)
-- 20-character maximum
(may include extension -- use 'x')
- Do not use parentheses '( )' to indicate the area code; you may use hyphens '-' or periods '.' when entering your phone number.
- Local/Campus Mailing Address (line 2 optional, if needed) -- WSOM/DM Distance Ed Graduates, read more below.
- City
- State -- 2-letter code; 'OH' for 'Ohio' is default, but you may edit over this. For more help, see Codes.
- Zip Code (and
Location/+4, if known)
-- '44106' (CASE campus/local) is default, but you may edit over this.
- Distance Ed Graduates (WSOM/DM) & Alumni Online Library registrants -- Use preferred off-campus address information for Address, City, State & Zip fields.
- Distance Ed Graduates -- Please avoid providing P.O. Box for delivery point, as we deliver loaned items via courier (UPS); enter your home or business address information & select your loan delivery preference ('Hold for Pickup' or 'Mail to Address') from your 'Change User Information' form once you are logged into your account after initial registration.
- Distance Ed Graduates -- If necessary, add 'Country' from your 'Change User Information' form once you are logged into your account.
- For further assistance with foreign mailing codes, please contact ILL staff by phone at 216-368-3517 or 216-368-3463, or e-mail at:
- Alumni Online Library registrants -- Please note your address is required only for initial registration; we will only supply articles to you via electronic delivery (not in printed format, or via mail or courier).
- Distance Ed Graduates (WSOM/DM) & Alumni Online Library registrants -- Use preferred off-campus address information for Address, City, State & Zip fields.
- Status (Faculty, Staff, Student, etc.) -- i.e., your relationship with Case Western Reserve University; select from the list provided.
- Distance Ed Graduate (WSOM/DM) - Select 'Distance Ed Graduate'.
- Post-Doctoral - Please select 'Graduate' as your status.
- Emeritus Faculty - Please select 'Faculty' as your status.
- Visiting Scholars - Please select 'Staff' as your status.
- Alumni Online Library registrants - Please select 'Alumni Online Library' as your status.
- KSL Depository Request users - Please select 'Depository Request' as your status.
- Department or Major (Academic or Administrative)
- Faculty (and Emeritus Faculty) - Select an academic department (or administrative department, if applicable).
- Staff - Select an academic or administrative department.
- Students (Graduate, Undergraduate) - Select only from academic departments (i.e., your major).
- Undergraduates without a major yet, select 'UNDECLARED' upon initial registration.
- Please update this field as soon as you have declared your major, using the 'Change User Information' form while you are logged into ILLiad.
- Undergraduates without a major yet, select 'UNDECLARED' upon initial registration.
- Special Users (see also Special User Statuses for more details):
- Distance Ed Graduate (WSOM/DM) - Select 'DM'.
- Post-Doctoral - Select the appropriate academic department from the existing list.
- Visiting Scholars - Select the appropriate sponsoring academic department from the existing list.
- Alumni Online Library - Select 'KSL ALUMNI ONLINE LIBRARY'.
- KSL Depository Request users - Select 'KSL DEPOSITORY REQUEST'.
- Authorized Users
- If you want another person (or other persons -- secretary, assistant, family member, etc.) to be authorized to pick up your Interlibrary Loan materials at the Kelvin Smith Library Main Service Desk, make sure to list the name (or names) in the 'Authorized Users' field. Authorized Users will be required to present a valid photo ID to circulation staff, in order to pick up materials for you.
- This designation does not automatically extend to other applications or uses of your ILLiad account and your interlibrary loan privileges, as a matter of library policy. You may choose to make arrangements with your authorized users personally to allow them log-in use of your account on your behalf, but you will still be directly responsible for timely return of loans, compensation for loss or damage of loaned materials, adherence to copyright guidelines and restrictions when requesting articles, receipt of e-mail notifications, and management of your personal contact and university status information.
- Choose a Username. You may select any character string, but we suggest that you use your CASE Initials (i.e., 'abc12'). Avoid using your
entire email
address (i.e., ''), your CASE ID Number, or your Social
Security Number as a Username.
- If you select a Username already taken by another patron, you will receive the error message 'Username is already in the database. Please pick another, or try "Forgot Password?" option on login page.' when you submit your information -- please be sure that you are not creating a duplicate of an existing account for yourself. Contact ILL Staff for assistance.
- Choose a Password. Make it something you can remember! It is entirely up to you if you wish to use the same Password that you also use in another system -- see the CASE Password Security Page for further recommendations. We cannot view
your password on our staff screens (as it is encrypted, and 'password hints' are not available on our system) -- only ILL staff can reset it to a default value, if needed. You will also have an option to reset your password if you forget it (see FAQ page for more details). Other
library staff do not have access to the ILLiad system. Please remember your password is case
- You are asked to enter your ILLiad password twice exactly. If you do not enter the identical character sequence into both fields, you will receive the error message -- 'Passwords do not match.' -- and the associated field name tags will re-display in red when attempting to save changes; please make sure to re-enter ILLiad password into both fields, keeping in mind that they are 'case-sensitive'.
- When all information is completed, click the 'Submit Information' button at the bottom of the page. You may also select the 'Clear Form' button to start over (with blank fields, or prior input after a submit error), or the 'Cancel - Exit ILLiad System' button if you choose not to register.
- If an error has been made or required information has been omitted, an error message will appear at the TOP of the page. If necessary, fix the appropriate fields and click the 'Submit Information' button again.
- Your personal Main Menu will appear -- You are now able to use ILLiad to submit ILL requests.
- If you need to make changes in your personal profile, you may do so at this point as well -- See Changing Your User Information for further assistance.
- As you navigate through the site, clicking on '(Your) ILLiad Page' in the upper left corner will always bring you back to the Main Menu page; if you are presently at your Main Menu page, the link will function as a 'Refresh' button.
- Please keep in mind that your ILLiad web session will time-out after 20 minutes of keyboard inactivity.
- Next time you log into ILLiad, you will need to enter only your Username and Password.
- Practice good security. Please exit by pressing the 'Logoff (your Username)' link at the top of the Main Menu when you are finished with your session. Please note that once you have logged off, using the 'Back' button of your browser will not properly restore your active ILLiad session -- you will need to login again from the ILLiad Logon page.
Changing Your User Information
We recommend that you keep all your personal and contact information current, to assure the best possible Interlibrary Loan service. In order to do so, first logon to ILLiad using your Username and Password. Under the 'Tools' section of the Main Menu, click the link to 'Change User Information'. In the form that opens you may enter any new personal information. Please note that you will not be able to pick a new 'username' and ILLiad will also remember your CASE ID number from your original registration (so you will not need to input it, either). Please also note that all information entered when you registered will appear as originally typed in -- e.g., if you did not capitalize proper names (first or last personal names; street or city names in address fields), they will appear the same way in e-mail communications and on printed documents (loan slips & labels) -- but you may update these entries at this time, if you choose. Required fields will be indicated by a red asterisk "*" and may not be left blank; you will receive an error message or messages -- '(Field Name) is a required field.' -- when trying to save changes, and the required field name tag(s) will re-display in red. (You may use the 'Tab' button to navigate through all the fields within the registration form, and use the scrollbar in you browser to assist with viewing the full page. Do not use the 'Enter' key to navigate through the form before completing all fields--this is equivalent to clicking on the 'Submit Information' button.) Personal profile information to be entered, as follows:
- First Name, Last Name
- E-Mail Address (CASE account preferred, but use one you check regularly.)
- Daytime Phone Number
(with voicemail or answering machine recommended)
-- 20-character maximum (may include extension -- use 'x')
- Do not use parentheses '( )' to indicate the area code; you may use hyphens '-' or periods '.' when entering your phone number.
- Distance Ed Graduates (WSOM/DM) -- If international phone number, please do not preface with '011' but do include national and local codes.
- Local/Campus Mailing Address (Line 2 optional, if needed) -- WSOM/DM Distance Ed Graduates, read more below.
- City
- State -- 2-letter code (For more help, see Codes.)
- Zip Code (and
Location/+4, if known)
- Distance Ed Graduates (WSOM/DM) -- Use preferred off-campus (home or business) address information for Address, City, State & Zip fields (to ensure proper delivery of loaned items).
- Loaned items delivered by courier (UPS) -- Please avoid using P.O. Box for delivery location.
- Select your loan delivery preference ('Hold for Pickup' or 'Mail to Address')
- You may add country here, if necessary (overwrite 'United States' default value already in 'Country' field). For further assistance with foreign mailing addresses and codes, please contact ILL staff by phone at 216-368-3517 or 216-368-3463, or email at:
- Loaned items delivered by courier (UPS) -- Please avoid using P.O. Box for delivery location.
- Distance Ed Graduates (WSOM/DM) -- Use preferred off-campus (home or business) address information for Address, City, State & Zip fields (to ensure proper delivery of loaned items).
- Status (Faculty, Staff, Student, etc.) -- Please also contact ILL Staff when your university status changes.
- Department
or Major (Academic or Administrative)
- Faculty - Select an academic department (or administrative department, if applicable).
- Staff - Select an academic or administrative department.
- Students (Graduate, Undergraduate) - Select only from academic departments (i.e., your major).
- Special Users (Distance Ed Graduate, Post-Doctoral, Alumni Online Library, Depository Request) - Contact ILL Staff about changing your department or any other user information.
- Authorized Users (Other persons who can pick up your materials at the KSL Main Service Desk -- more details in the First Time Users section)
Click the 'Submit Information' button at the bottom of the form to finalize changes, or select 'Reset Form' to restore your original information and start over (with original data, or prior input after a submit error). Select the 'Cancel - Exit to Main Menu' if you decide not to make any changes at all. Click on '(Your) ILLiad Page' to refresh your Main Menu screen, and continue with other options. You may exit ILLiad by pressing the 'Logoff (your Username)' link at the top of the Main Menu when you are finished with your session.
NOTE: Distance Ed Graduates (WSOM/DM) and Alumni Online Library registrants will have different options available from those listed above, when changing user information.
Special User Statuses -- Extended Service Levels
Distance Ed Graduate Students - Enrollees in the WSOM/DM (Doctor of Management) Program of the Weatherhead School of Management may also request materials held in the Kelvin Smith Library collections (both loans & photocopies) -- please check for local holdings in the CASE Library Catalog, if possible. Loans of KSL books receive a special loan period and will be shipped to your off-campus (home or business) address by courier (or held at the main service desk, if you prefer). We encourage you to explore our Electronic Journal collections for articles and the OhioLINK Central Catalog for loans, before you choose to submit requests through ILLiad. (OhioLINK loans may also be delivered to your off-campus address -- contact KSL Circulation staff at 216-368-3506 for further details.) The WSOM/DM Tutorial is also available from the Kelvin Smith Reference staff, and assistance with VPN Setup for off-campus access is also available. Due to the distance-learning nature of this program (which is subsidized by the Weatherhead School), ONLY WSOM/DM STUDENTS ARE ELIGIBLE FOR THESE SPECIAL SERVICES. Guidance for when to use ILLiad may be viewed at: Articles-DM Distance Ed, Loans-DM Distance Ed. Contact ILL staff at, if you have further questions.
Alumni Online Library - Registrants for Alumni Online Library services may request articles obtainable from the Kelvin Smith Library collections -- check for local holdings in the Library Catalog, if possible. Due to the expansion of electronic resources now available to alumni through this program (as well as the change to a free service for eligible users), we no longer obtain articles through Interlibrary Loan from outside collections. Although you will also enjoy loan privileges that include borrowing KSL, MSASS and OhioLINK books (on-campus pick-up only), we cannot extend ILL services for loans of items not available through these sources, either -- try your local public, academic or corporate library in such cases. Please also see the Alumni Online Brochure for more information. We encourage you to explore the Electronic Databases available on the Alumni Online Library page before you choose to submit article requests through ILLiad. Guidance for when to use ILLiad may be viewed at: Articles-Alumni. Contact ILL staff at, if you have further questions. (Additional information regarding Alumni Services may be available by contacting
Faculty (and Emeritus Faculty) - Faculty in the College of Arts and Sciences, the Case School of Engineering, and the Weatherhead School of Management (served by Kelvin Smith Library for ILLiad and OhioLINK services) also receive electronic delivery privileges for materials (articles, book chapters, conference papers) held within the KSL collections. Guidance for when to use ILLiad may be viewed at: Articles-Faculty. They are also eligible for campus delivery of OhioLINK and ILL loans (excluding 'Library Use Only' materials) to their academic departments, provided these have established an authorized, designated drop-off point for this service. Our current department list is also summarized in our Campus Delivery Departments page. Once you have set up your ILLiad account, please visit your 'Change User Information' page in your Main Menu, for information on contacting ILL staff regarding Campus Delivery services for loaned items requested through the ILLiad system.
Visiting Scholars - Invited researchers sponsored by academic departments within the College of Arts and Sciences, the Case School of Engineering or the Weatherhead School of Management, will be accorded regular interlibrary loan privileges during the terms of their sponsorships. You will need to have a valid patron record established in the library's circulation database, in good standing, in order to register in Kelvin Smith Library's ILLiad system. Please select 'Staff' as your status, and the corresponding sponsor department from our list of departments and majors. For more information, see: Visiting Scholars.
Post-Doctoral - You will be accorded the same interlibrary loan privileges as regular graduate students, during your period of continued affiliation with the university. Please select 'Graduate' as your status, and the corresponding academic department from our list of departments and majors.
KSL Depository Request Users - Valid CWRU community members in good standing who normally use other ILLiad systems (e.g., Cleveland Health Sciences, MSASS, Law) may register in the Kelvin Smith Library site exclusively for the purpose of requesting scans from materials located our off-site storage facility. Please select 'Depository Request' as your status and 'KSL DEPOSITORY REQUEST' as your department. You may not use your KSL ILLiad account for interlibrary loan services. Guidance for when to use ILLiad may be viewed at: Articles-Depository.
Note to Regular ILLiad Users: Kelvin Smith Library assesses additional fees to the WSOM/DM Department (distance learning program) in exchange for these extended service levels. Alumni Online Library is now a free service available to CWRU alumni only, but they must be properly registered members in order to participate in this program.
Changing a Password
- Logon to the ILLiad system using your current Username and Password (or use 'ill' if your password has just been reset at your requests by an Interlibrary Loan staff member -- see FAQ page for further details).
- Under the 'Tools' section of the Main Menu, click the link to 'Change Password'.
- Enter your current Password (or use 'ill' if your password has been reset
by an
Interlibrary Loan staff member) -- this is a requirement for security purposes, even though you have already used it to log into your current ILLiad session.
- You may use the 'Tab' button to navigate through all the fields within the registration form, and use the scrollbar in you browser to assist with viewing the full page. Do not use the 'Enter' key to navigate through the form before completing all fields--this is equivalent to clicking on the 'Submit Information' button.
- Next, enter your new Password -- you will be asked to enter this twice. It is entirely up to you if you wish to use the same Password that you also use in another system -- see the CASE Password Security Page for further recommendations.
- If you leave any fields marked required by a red asterisk "*" you will receive an error message -- 'Current Password is a required field.', 'New Password is a required field.' or 'Verified Password is a required field.' (for 'Re-enter New Password' field) -- when trying to save changes, and the required field name tag(s) will re-display in red.
- If you do not type in your current Password correctly, you will receive the error message 'Current Password incorrect. Password NOT changed.' and you will be returned to the Main Menu.
- If your new password is not entered twice exactly, you will receive the error message -- 'Passwords do not match.' -- and the associated field name tags will re-display in red when attempting to save changes; please make sure to re-enter your new password into both fields, keeping in mind that they are 'case-sensitive'.
- If you leave any fields marked required by a red asterisk "*" you will receive an error message -- 'Current Password is a required field.', 'New Password is a required field.' or 'Verified Password is a required field.' (for 'Re-enter New Password' field) -- when trying to save changes, and the required field name tag(s) will re-display in red.
- Click the 'Submit Information' button at the bottom of the form to finalize changes, or select 'Reset Form' to restore your original information and start over (with original data, or prior input after a submit error). Select the 'Cancel - Exit to Main Menu' if you decide not to make any changes.
- The Main Menu page reappears and displays a message -- 'Password changed.' -- confirming that your password has been successfully changed; you may now view transactions or submit new requests, by selecting other options from the Main Menu list.
- Return to the Main Menu page, clicking on '(Your) ILLiad Page' to clear the screen and proceed with further transactions.
- When you are finished using ILLiad, please exit by pressing the 'Logoff (your Username)' link at the top of the Main Menu.
NOTE: If you have forgotten your password, you may select 'Forgot Password?' at the main Logon screen -- see FAQ page. Please also note that you will be required to change your password once every year.
Remember: Passwords are case-sensitive.
Requesting a Book (Loan)
Examples include books, entire conference proceedings, government documents, theses & dissertations, and loans of microfilm reels and microfiche. Note: Entire periodicals in print are generally not available as loans from other libraries -- request individual articles (or table of contents or index), if possible.
Please make sure there are no copies available for direct online request through OhioLINK first before you submit a loan request in ILLiad -- please also note that copies of theses and dissertations done at OhioLINK academic institutions may also be available by this method. (We do not recommend requesting textbooks for your classes, if at all possible -- note that copies of these will be generally of limited availability through ILL, and most likely will be assigned loan periods that do not span a complete semester or allow for renewals.) Do not request any circulating books that are currently available in the Kelvin Smith Library or other Case campus library collections; please check the Library Catalog. Guidance for when to use ILLiad may be viewed at: Loans.
EXCEPTION: WSOM/DM Distance Ed Graduates may request Kelvin Smith Library books (only!) for delivery to specified off-campus address, with a special loan period; see details at Special User Statuses. Guidance for when to use ILLiad may be viewed at: Loans-DM Distance Ed.
ALUMNI ONLINE LIBRARY registrants may not submit requests for loan-type materials, as this service is not included within their privilege package.
- Logon using your Username and Password. The Main Menu for ILLiad will open.
- From the 'Request' section of the main menu, select from among the following links, as apply:
- Book - Book, Monograph, Conference Proceedings (entire item), Music Score
- Report - Organizational or Departmental Report, Government Document, etc.
- Thesis - Dissertation, Thesis, Degree Project Paper
- Other (Misc. Loan) - Non-Print Media (Audio-Visual, etc.), Map, Microfilm Serial, Journal Volume/Issue, etc. -- Note limited availability of these material types via ILL; may also have limited loan periods and additional restrictions applied by lending institution. Please avoid using this form to request reproduced materials (e.g., journal or newspaper articles -- use one of the photocopy-type forms, instead. See Requesting a Photocopy.)
- Enter as much information as possible about the item you are requesting. (You may 'Tab' through all the fields within the request form and use the scrollbar in you browser to assist with viewing the full page -- do not use the 'Enter' key to navigate.)
- Required fields will be indicated by a red asterisk "*" and may not be left blank; you will receive an error message or messages -- '(Field Name) is a required field.' -- when trying to submit your request, and the required field name tag(s) will re-display in red. Examples: Author/Editor(s); Title; Not Wanted After Date. The more information
you provide
(especially the ISBN or OCLC number), the faster the searching process will be
for the Interlibrary Loan staff.
- Each form is specifically designed to accommodate citation information appropriate to the type of material being requested.
- Not Wanted After Date -- This is set to a default value of 365 days from today's date, but you may alter it by typing over the numbers and as long as you preserve the standard 'MM/DD/YYYY' format.
- The selection labelled 'Will you accept the item in a language other than English?' is set with a default value of 'Yes'. Change this to 'No' if you only want the requested material in English, but remember that if the item you need is originally cited in a foreign language it may not also be available in translation.
- The selection labelled 'Will you accept an alternate edition of this item?' (books & reports only) is set with a default value of 'Yes'. If you wish instead to indicate 'No', please be sure you have already entered the number of the edition and/or year of publication in the appropriate fields.
- If you have additional information or special instructions, enter that information into the 'Notes'
- Indicate need for 'Rush' (expedited) service here (e.g., delivery of loan by courier rather than regular mail), if required.
- 'Where did you learn about this item?' -- In this section of the form, please include any information about where your material was referenced, if available, in the appropriate fields. Remember that the 'source' of your citation is not the same information as your actual request citation. (Please reserve more extensive comments for the 'Notes' field -- the 'citation' fields are not of unlimited length, and input may be truncated if too long.)
- If you have made any mistakes, simply edit the appropriate field or fields at this time.
- After entering all the information, press the 'Submit Request' button. You may also select the 'Cancel - Return to Main Menu' if you decide not to submit your request, or select 'Clear Form' to start over (with blank fields, or prior input after a submit error).
- The Main Menu screen will re-appear after you submit your request, and you will receive a confirmation message -- '(Loan Type) Request Received. Transaction Number (number)'. (You may continue submitting requests at this point, or select additional options from the Main Menu.)
- If you have made a mistake and you have already submitted the request, see Editing a Request for further assistance. Please avoid submitting a duplicate request.
- Return to the Main Menu page, clicking on '(Your) ILLiad Page' to clear the screen and proceed with further transactions.
- When you are finished using ILLiad, please exit by pressing the 'Logoff (your Username)' link at the top of the Main Menu.
Please remember to submit a separate request for each individual item to be borrowed.
Loaned items will generally be held at the Kelvin Smith Library main service desk upon receipt by ILL staff. Notifications by e-mail will be then sent out to inform of availability for pickup, and will include information about the due date and any restrictions that may apply to the loan. Patrons will be asked to show valid ID; circulation staff will require that you sign and date a checkout slip (one per each item or part loaned) and return it to them, for proper transaction updating in the ILLiad system. (Authorized users may also sign out ILL materials.)
EXCEPTION: WSOM/DM Distance Ed Graduates will generally have their loaned items mailed to their preferred off-campus address (unless otherwise specified) via courier, and these are automatically checked out to them by ILL staff; when finished with these items please mail them directly back to:
Kelvin Smith Library
11055 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44106-7151 (USA)
ATTN: Circulation (preferable for items loaned from the KSL collections via ILLiad Document Delivery, or borrowed through OhioLINK) or,
ATTN: Access Services (preferable for items borrowed through Interlibrary Loan -- i.e., requested through ILLiad but not from KSL collections) -- for prompt check-in.
NOTE (ALL USERS): Loaned items received on interlibrary loan may have lending restrictions applied to them by the lending library, such as 'NO RENEWALS', 'NO PHOTOCOPYING' or 'LIBRARY USE ONLY'. ILL staff will assign restricted use statuses to the corresponding ILLiad transactions, and patrons are cautioned to adhere to these policies. (For example, materials marked 'LIBRARY USE ONLY' may not be taken outside of the Kelvin Smith Library, and will also be accompanied by special library-use check-out slips with sign-in and sign-out spaces, and a final return checkbox -- similar to 'Reserve' usage. Contact ILL Staff or ask circulation staff at the KSL Main Service Desk for more details.) Items must be returned directly to Kelvin Smith Library by the assigned due date (unless a renewal request has been made or is pending reply) -- due dates and renewals for loans obtained via ILLiad are governed by rules differing from those that apply to KSL or OhioLINK book loans. (See also: View Checked-Out Items and Request a Renewal.) Loans provided in multiple parts must be returned in their entirety in order for ILL staff to clear the ILLiad transaction. Also, any paperwork affixed to the front or back cover or paper-clipped inside the item (as well as any protective packaging materials) must always accompany the loaned items, and be returned together with them. Lender libraries may also recall loaned items at any time and for any reason, and they will need to be returned immediately under such circumstances -- you will receive notification via e-mail whenever this is the case. Please keep in mind that you will be responsible for timely return of all loans, as well as compensation for loss or damage of loaned materials.
Requesting a Photocopy (Article)
Examples include articles published in journals, serials or newspapers, papers in published conference proceedings, chapters within a book, anthology or collected work, patents or standards. Reproduced materials are supplied by electronic delivery and in general should be retained as a single copy (i.e., are not to be freely duplicated) in accordance with copyright guidelines.
Please make sure that note of the materials (journals, books, etc.) from which you need portions reproduced are not available in the collections of the Kelvin Smith Library or other Case campus libraries, or in our Electronic Journal collections; please check the Library Catalog. You may also wish to check the availability of books in the OhioLINK Central Catalog if you need to request a chapter -- tables of contents can be displayed for many titles, and you may prefer to request a loan of the entire item rather than a reproduction. Guidance for when to use ILLiad may be viewed at: Articles.
EXCEPTIONS: WSOM/DM Distance Ed Graduates, as well as any faculty served under the KSL ILLiad system, may request articles, chapters, etc., from Kelvin Smith Library journals or books (or other Case libraries' holdings) for electronic delivery. Alumni Online Library registrants may request from KSL collection holdings only, and may not request materials outside our system (including through interlibrary loan). KSL Depository users may request scans of materials from the KSL Depository only. See details at Special User Statuses. (Note also that WSOM/DM Distance Ed Graduates have full access to our electronic collections as do all members of the Case community, although Alumni Online Library registrants only have limited access. Off-campus access to electronic resources may require VPN Setup.) Guidance for when to use ILLiad may be viewed at: Articles-DM Distance Ed, Articles-Faculty, Articles-Alumni or Articles-Depository.
- Logon using your Username and Password. The Main Menu for ILLiad will open.
- From the 'Request' section of the main menu, select from among the following links, as apply:
- Journal Article - Article from Periodical, Serial or Newspaper
- Book Chapter - Chapter or Section from Book; when extensive portions required, it is preferable to use 'Book' request form instead (see Requesting a Book), for loan of entire item.
- Conference Paper - Individual Paper in Published Proceedings (Conference, Symposium, etc.); use 'Book' request form (see Requesting a Book) for loan of entire proceedings.
- Patent - Patent or Patent Application
- Standards Document - Engineering or Industrial Standard
- Enter as much information as possible about the material you are requesting. (You may 'Tab' through all the fields within the request form and use the scrollbar in you browser to assist with viewing the full page -- do not use the 'Enter' key to navigate.)
- Required fields will be indicated by a red asterisk "*" and may not be left blank; you will receive an error message or messages -- '(Field Name) is a required field.' -- when trying to submit your request, and the required field name tag(s) will re-display in red. Examples: Title of Journal, Serial, Book or Proceedings; Title of Article, Paper, Chapter, Patent or Standard; Volume & Year (if from Journal), or Date; Patent or Standard Number (if applies); Inclusive Pages (if applies); Not Wanted After Date. The more information you provide (especially the
ISBN, ISSN or OCLC number), the faster the searching process will be for the
Interlibrary Loan staff.
- Indicating the year or date is extremely important for copyright purposes -- if you cannot provide a date, please indicate 'n/a' or 'unknown' in the corresponding field(s).
- If you do not know the inclusive pages, indicate 'n/a' or 'unknown'; if you can only provide the starting page, please add '-end' or '-eoa' to this entry.
- Each form is specifically designed to accommodate citation information appropriate to the type of material being requested.
- Not Wanted After Date -- This is set to a default value of 365 days from today's date, but you may alter it by typing over the numbers and as long as you preserve the standard 'MM/DD/YYYY' format.
- The selection labelled 'Will you accept the item in a language other than English?' is set with a default value of 'Yes'. Change this to 'No' if you only want the requested material in English, but remember that if the item you need is originally cited in a foreign language it may not also be available in translation.
- If you have additional information or special instructions, enter that information into the 'Notes'
- Indicate need for 'Rush' (expedited) service here, if required.
- Please note that with the advent of electronic delivery (and increasingly widespread application thereof), the need for 'faxed' articles has become outmoded and less efficacious. Electronically delivered articles are often supplied in timely matter (i.e., within 24 hours), as a matter of routine.
- Indicate need for 'Rush' (expedited) service here, if required.
- 'Where did you learn about this item?' -- In this section of the form, please include any information about where your material was referenced, if available, in the appropriate fields. Remember that the 'source' of your citation is not the same information as your actual request citation. (Please reserve more extensive comments for the 'Notes' field -- the 'citation' fields are not of unlimited length, and input may be truncated if too long.).
- If you have made any mistakes, simply edit the appropriate field or fields at this time.
- After entering all the information, press the 'Submit Request' button. You may also select the 'Cancel - Return to Main Menu' if you decide not to submit your request, or select 'Clear Form' to start over (with blank fields, or prior input after a submit error).
- The Main Menu screen will re-appear after you submit your request, and you will receive a confirmation message -- '(Copy Type) Request Received. Transaction Number (number)'. (You may continue submitting requests at this point, or select additional options from the Main Menu.)
- If you have made a mistake and you have already submitted the request, see Editing a Request for further assistance. Please avoid submitting a duplicate request.
- Return to the Main Menu page, clicking on '(Your) ILLiad Page' to clear the screen and proceed with further transactions.
- When you are finished using ILLiad, please exit by pressing the 'Logoff (your Username)' link at the top of the Main Menu.
Please remember to submit a separate request for each individual article. Remember also to keep your photocopying demands within the limits of Copyright Compliance.
NOTE: Articles are now delivered exclusively via Electronic Delivery. You will receive a notification by e-mail with instructions on how to retrieve them, once they have been delivered, and you will have up to 30 days to view or download them before they expire. For more information, please read the Electronic Delivery Information page, or contact ILL Staff if you have further questions or concerns.
View Outstanding Requests
'Outstanding Requests' are those transactions still in process by ILL staff, or awaiting initial processing by ILL staff; they also include loaned items already received but still awaiting pick-up by the patron (or authorized user) and loans with renewals requested but awaiting confirmation reply from lender (as well as various other levels of processing requiring staff mediation -- see Explanation of Request Statuses). They do not include items that are checked out, cancelled, articles already received, or returned loans.
- Logon to ILLiad using your Username and Password.
- Outstanding requests will appear automatically on the Main Menu, along with any System Alerts.
- You may also view System Alerts (if any available) on a single page, by clicking on 'Subscribe to Alerts Feed' -- use your browser's 'Back' button to return to your ILLiad session screen.
- Clicking on the green right-arrow '
' (in Internet Explorer) or Subject Link (in Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox) appearing above any of your System Alert messages will also return you to the Main Menu of your ILLiad session.
- Clicking on the green right-arrow '
- You may also view System Alerts (if any available) on a single page, by clicking on 'Subscribe to Alerts Feed' -- use your browser's 'Back' button to return to your ILLiad session screen.
- Under the 'View' section of the Main Menu, click the link to 'Outstanding
Requests', to view without System Alerts. Select the
appropriate transaction number link for the corresponding request to display a detailed
information page, including current status.
- Alternatively, you may perform a qualified search of request transactions by entering a keyword into the box in the upper right corner of your screen, selecting 'Active' (default setting) using the radio button, and then clicking the 'Search' button.
- From here you may edit the request by changing information or providing additional information, or you may choose to cancel the transaction at this point. You may NOT edit or cancel any requests that are being processed by ILL staff, or have already been sent to lender libraries, however. See Editing a Request.
- You may also check the status history of a request by selecting the appropriate transaction number link and scrolling through the chronological tracking list (most recent appears at bottom). For an explanation of ILLiad statuses, see Explanation of ILLiad Statuses.
- Return to the Main Menu page, clicking on '(Your) ILLiad Page' to clear the screen and proceed with further transactions.
- When you are finished using ILLiad, please exit by pressing the 'Logoff (your Username)' link at the top of the Main Menu.
Editing a Request
- Logon to ILLiad using your Username and Password.
- Outstanding requests will appear automatically on the Main Menu, along with any System Alerts.
- Under the 'View' section of the Main Menu, click the link to 'Outstanding Requests', to view without System Alerts.
- From the table which is displayed, you may select a transaction number 'link' from the 'Transaction' column, to view the request(s) you wish to amend; the transaction must currently have a status of either 'Awaiting Request Processing' or 'Awaiting Copyright Clearance' in order for you to make any changes -- you may not edit a request while it has a status of 'Request in Processing' or has reached a status of 'Request Sent' or other post-processing statuses.
- ILLiad will display a table that shows all your selected transaction information fields, any added notes, and chronological tracking.
- Select the 'Edit Request' command at the top of the table (if your transaction is currently in an appropriate status) and a page similar to your original request form will be displayed.
- You will now be able to re-enter all the information into the fields which you wish to change -- remember always to be sure something is entered into all the fields marked as 'required', with a red asterisk "*".
- You may 'Tab' through all the fields within the request form and use the scrollbar in you browser to assist with viewing the full page -- do not use the 'Enter' key to navigate.
- If any required fields are left blank you will receive the message -- '(Field Name) is a required field.' -- when you try to save your changes, and the required field name tag(s) will re-display in red.
- After entering all the corrected information, press the 'Submit Request' button. You may also select the 'Cancel - Return to Main Menu' if you decide not to re-submit with changes, or select 'Reset Form' to restore your original information (or prior input after a submit error).
- The Main Menu page re-appears and displays a message -- '(Loan or Copy Type) Request Received. Transaction Number (original number).' -- confirming that your request has been received successfully after your changes have been made.
- Return to the Main Menu page, clicking on '(Your) ILLiad Page' to clear the screen and proceed with further transactions.
- When you are finished using ILLiad, please exit by pressing the 'Logoff (your Username)' link at the top of the Main Menu.
Cancelling a Request
- Logon to ILLiad using your Username and Password.
- Outstanding requests will appear automatically on the Main Menu, along with any System Alerts.
- Under the 'View' section of the Main Menu, click the link to 'Outstanding Requests', to view without System Alerts.
- From the table which is displayed, you may select a transaction number 'link' from the 'Transaction' column, to view the request(s) you wish to cancel; the transaction must currently have a status of either 'Awaiting Request Processing' or 'Awaiting Copyright Clearance' in order for you to cancel -- you may not cancel a request yourself while it has a status of 'Request in Processing' or has reached a status of 'Request Sent' or other post-processing level statuses.
- You will need to contact ILL staff by phone at 216-368-3517 or 216-368-3463, or e-mail at, in order to have a request cancelled after it has already been processed.
- ILLiad will display a table that shows all your selected transaction information fields, any added notes, and chronological tracking.
- Select the 'Cancel Request' command at the top of the table (if your transaction is currently in an appropriate status). This automatically cancels the request.
- The Main Menu page re-appears and displays a message -- 'Request Cancelled. You can re-submit cancelled requests by selecting from your 'Cancelled Requests' (under 'View' in the menu below).' -- confirming the
cancellation of your request.
You may now proceed with further transactions.
- For further assistance with viewing or re-submitting cancelled request transactions, see View Cancelled Requests or Re-submit a Request.
- Return to the Main Menu page, clicking on '(Your) ILLiad Page' to clear the screen and proceed with further transactions.
- When you are finished using ILLiad, please exit by pressing the 'Logoff (your Username)' link at the top of the Main Menu.
View Electronically Received Articles
NOTE: Articles are now delivered exclusively via Electronic Delivery. (Upon initial registration in ILLiad, the default setting for your patron account is automatically selected to allow for receipt of electronically delivered articles.) You will receive a notification by e-mail with instructions on how to retrieve them, once they have been delivered, and you will have up to 30 days to view or download them before they expire. For more information, please read the Electronic Delivery Information page, or contact ILL Staff if you have further questions or concerns.
Please also be aware that many copied materials are protected by copyright law, and that you are required to respect Copyright Guidelines and not assume that you may freely reproduce them.
To view or download your electronically delivered articles:
- Logon to ILLiad using your Username and Password.
- Under the 'View' section of the Main Menu, click the link to 'Electronically Received Articles'.
- A table will be displayed which includes information about all your currently available electronic articles, which are delivered in PDF format. This will include the author, title, and expiration date.
- To view all detailed information regarding the listed requests (citation, notes & tracking), select the link (i.e., corresponding transaction number), and detailed information tables will be displayed.
- You may view your article at this point by selecting the 'View PDF' command at the top of the table. Please note some larger files may take longer to download -- check under the 'Size' column for the transaction in question.
- Depending on your browser settings, the article may open up within your ILLiad window, or may open in a separate Adobe Acrobat session.
- If you choose to read your article from your computer screen, please note that your ILLiad session will time out after 20 minutes if there is no keystroke input from your keyboard.
- From here you may 'Save a Copy' or 'Print' (for later use), according to the options available in the browser you are using.
- Please also note that when viewing your article, you may use the options appearing in the toolbar at the top of your Browser window, or in Adobe Acrobat, to adjust your images to make them easier to read (in case pages were scanned 2 at a time or sideways, for example): Fit Page, Zoom, Rotate.
- Keep in mind that options displayed at the top of older browsers (such as Internet Explorer or Firefox) may not appear similarly in some of the newer browsers (Safari, Google Chrome); please familiarize yourself with the features and layout of the browser you choose to use for your ILLiad login sessions.
- If you choose to save your article, also keep in mind that Adobe Acrobat allows you to edit your pages (e.g., Delete, Crop, Rotate) -- select options from the 'Document' pull-down list (at top of window).
- Depending on your browser settings, the name assigned to your file may either be the corresponding ILLiad transaction number followed by the '.pdf' tag, or it may be saved as 'illiad.pdf' -- in the latter case you may wish to rename it to avoid overwriting any other previously-saved electronic delivery article files in the same folder location.
- Please also note that when viewing your article, you may use the options appearing in the toolbar at the top of your Browser window, or in Adobe Acrobat, to adjust your images to make them easier to read (in case pages were scanned 2 at a time or sideways, for example): Fit Page, Zoom, Rotate.
- Click on your browser's 'Back' button to return to the previous screen.
- If you feel you no longer need to use your article, you may remove it by selecting the 'Delete PDF' command at the top of the table. If you do not delete your article immediately, it will remain available for future viewing for 30 days from your original notification date.
- When you delete a PDF, you will receive the following message -- 'Request finished for Transaction Number (number).'
- You will be returned to the previous table displaying your current electronic deliveries, but it will no longer include the deleted transaction.
From here you will be able to view any remaining articles.
- Undeleting a PDF -- If you wish to restore any accidentally deleted articles, you may click on the word 'undelete' in the instructions above the table.
- A table will appear displaying any recently deleted article transactions that have not been removed from the ILLiad PDF folder. You will also see the message -- 'The requests below have been deleted but can be un-deleted and put back in your list of electronically received articles.'
- If your deleted article is still available, click on the word 'Undelete' in the corresponding transaction line of the table.
- Note: Electronic Cleanup sessions usually take place daily around 4:00 AM EST -- depending on what time of day you delete an article relative to this, you will have no more than 24 hours to recover it without ILL staff assistance. For example, if you deleted it at 10:30 PM you will have within approximately 5-½ hours, but if you deleted it at 10:30 AM you will have roughly 17-½ hours (i.e., until 4:00 AM the following morning) to undelete.
- The original table will appear and will once again list your previously deleted article transaction, and the PDF file will now be available for future viewing. You will also see the confirmation message -- 'PDF undeleted for Transaction Number (number).'
- If your article is no longer available, contact ILL Staff to see if the article may still be replaced into the ILLiad PDF folder and the transaction status restored to 'Delivered to Web', so that you may once again access your article. If this is no longer possible, it may be necessary for you to submit a new article request in ILLiad.
- You may view your article at this point by selecting the 'View PDF' command at the top of the table. Please note some larger files may take longer to download -- check under the 'Size' column for the transaction in question.
- You may also view your electronically delivered articles from the original table (which appeared when you clicked the link to 'Electronically Received Articles') simply by clicking on the '
View' link on the line corresponding to the appropriate transaction number. Please note some larger files may take longer to download. If you choose to read your article from your computer screen, please note that your ILLiad session will time out after 20 minutes if there is no keystroke input from your keyboard.
- Depending on your browser settings, the article may open up within your ILLiad window, or may open in a separate Adobe Acrobat session.
- From here you may 'Save a Copy' or 'Print' (for later use), according to the options available in the browser you are using.
- Please also note that when viewing your article, you may use the options appearing in the toolbar at the top of your Browser window, or in Adobe Acrobat, to adjust your images to make them easier to read (in case pages were scanned 2 at a time or sideways, for example): Fit Page, Zoom, Rotate.
- Keep in mind that options displayed at the top of older browsers (such as Internet Explorer or Firefox) may not appear similarly in some of the newer browsers (Safari, Google Chrome); please familiarize yourself with the features and layout of the browser you choose to use for your ILLiad login sessions.
- If you choose to save your article, also keep in mind that Adobe Acrobat allows you to edit your pages (e.g., Delete, Crop, Rotate) -- select options from the 'Document' pull-down list (at top of window).
- Depending on your browser settings, the name assigned to your file may either be the corresponding ILLiad transaction number followed by the '.pdf' tag, or it may be saved as 'illiad.pdf' -- in the latter case you may wish to rename it to avoid overwriting any other previously-saved electronic delivery article files in the same folder location.
- Please also note that when viewing your article, you may use the options appearing in the toolbar at the top of your Browser window, or in Adobe Acrobat, to adjust your images to make them easier to read (in case pages were scanned 2 at a time or sideways, for example): Fit Page, Zoom, Rotate.
- Click on your browser's 'Back' button to return to the previous screen.
- From this table you may also save your file by right-clicking on the '
View' link on the line corresponding to the appropriate transaction number; select 'Save Target As...' and specify a location on your workstation where you wish to place the file. (This works only in Internet Explorer. Note: Selecting 'Print Target' will not properly print of the file.)
- You may now also delete any articles from the main table by selecting the word 'Delete' in the corresponding transaction line, at your discretion. (Avoid deleting any that you have not already had a chance to view.)
- When you delete a PDF, you will receive the following message -- 'Request finished for Transaction Number (number).'
- You will be returned to the previous table displaying your current electronic deliveries, but it will no longer include the deleted transaction.
From here you will be able to view any remaining articles.
- You may also undelete any articles -- click on 'undelete' and then select 'Undelete' from the appropriate transaction line from the table that is displayed.
- Table will be displayed again with your restored article listed as available; contact ILL Staff if you experience any problems with this process, or have further concerns. (More details above.)
- If you have been unable to view your electronically delivered article within the 30-day window of availability, you may contact ILL Staff about re-submitting your request for another copy of the article. In order to avoid this, however, we suggest that you attempt to retrieve your article at the soonest opportunity upon receipt of delivery notification.
- Return to the Main Menu page, clicking on '(Your) ILLiad Page' to clear the screen and proceed with further transactions.
- When you are finished using ILLiad, please exit by pressing the 'Logoff (your Username)' link at the top of the Main Menu.
View Checked-Out Items
NOTE: Your ILLiad account is only for ILL loan items. View your CASE Libraries' or OhioLINK loan items through the 'My Library Account' option in the Library Catalog -- you may also receive a security alert message asking if you want to display nonsecure items. Loaned items that have become two weeks overdue or longer will cause your ILLiad account to assume a 'Blocked' status, preventing you from submitting any new ILL requests. ALUMNI ONLINE LIBRARY registrants do not have ILL loan-type requests via ILLiad as part of their privilege package -- this option will not appear in their Main Menu list.
- Logon to ILLiad using your Username and Password.
- Under the 'View' section of the Main Menu, click the link to 'Checked Out Items'.
- A table will be displayed which includes basic information about all your current loaned ILL items.
This will include the author, title, status and due date.
- If the transaction in question does not appear in the table, there is a chance that the loan record has not yet been properly updated to a status of 'Checked Out to Customer' by library staff. Ordinarily, staff at the KSL Main Service Desk can check out your ILLiad loans immediately after you have signed them out, by using the 'Web Circulation' facility. If there was any problem with a transaction number being accepted, the update may have to wait until the next available opportunity when it can be handled by an ILL staff member (possibly the next morning of the next business day).
- Select the appropriate transaction-number link for the request you wish to view, and detailed information tables will be displayed that include the citation information, notes & dated status tracking for the specific loan request.
- For details on placing a renewal request, see Request at Renewal.
- Return to the Main Menu page, clicking on '(Your) ILLiad Page' to clear the screen and proceed with further transactions.
- When you are finished using ILLiad, please exit by pressing the 'Logoff (your Username)' link at the top of the Main Menu.
Request a Renewal
NOTE: Your ILLiad account is only for ILL loan items. Renew your CASE Libraries' or OhioLINK loan items through the 'My Library Account' option in the Library Catalog -- you may also receive a security alert message asking if you want to display nonsecure items. ILL loan items requested through ILLiad have a limit of ONE renewal, provided that the lender library has not applied a restriction and the item is not already past due. (Your original e-mail notification informing that your item is available for pick-up will also indicate whether renewals are allowed, as well as any other restrictions that may apply.) ALUMNI ONLINE LIBRARY registrants do not have ILL loan-type requests via ILLiad as part of their privilege package -- this option will not appear in their Main Menu list.
- Logon to ILLiad using your Username and Password.
- Under the 'View' section of the Main Menu, click the link to 'Checked Out Items'.
- A table will be displayed which includes basic information about all your current loaned ILL items.
This will include the author, title, status and due date.
- If the transaction in question does not appear in the table, there is a chance that the loan record has not yet been properly updated to a status of 'Checked Out to Customer' by library staff. Ordinarily, staff at the KSL Main Service Desk can check out your ILLiad loans immediately after you have signed them out, by using the 'Web Circulation' application. If there was any problem with a transaction number being accepted, the update may have to wait until the next available opportunity when it can be handled by an ILL staff member (possibly the next morning of the next business day).
- Select the appropriate transaction-number link for the request you
to renew, and detailed information tables will be displayed that include the citation information, notes & dated status tracking for the specific loan request.
- If the 'Renew Request' command does not appear at the top of the table, it means one of the following:
- The item has a 'NO RENEWALS' restriction, as imposed by the lender library.
- The item has already been renewed once previously -- note that no 2nd renewals are normally allowed (check for previous renewal requests in the tracking of your loan transaction).
- The item is not currently at a status of 'Checked Out to Customer' -- it may still be marked as 'Customer Notified via E-Mail' or some other status.
- If the 'Renew Request' command does not appear at the top of the table, it means one of the following:
- Select the 'Renew Request' command at the top of the table; you will receive one of the following possible responses:
- 'You can only renew this item between the dates of (original due date - 5 days) and (original due date).'
- Renewal request has been submitted too soon, or after the item has already become overdue.
- Renewals may normally be requested within 5 days prior to the original due date, including on the original due date as well.
- Renewal request has been submitted too soon, or after the item has already become overdue.
- 'Item renewal requested with a due date of (original due date + 14 days). There can be no further renewals.'
- Your renewal request has been accepted; a temporary extension of two weeks has been applied to your loan due date, but your renewal must be processed by ILL staff and approved by the lending library. (You will not be able to submit any further renewal requests on this transaction. The 'Renew Request' command will no longer appear at the top of the page,since the loan transaction is now automatically reset to prevent any additional renewal requests.)
- You will receive an e-mail reply indicating the response given by the lending library:
- Your renewal has been granted -- the new due date may be the same as the date initially indicated, or may vary according to the policy of the lending library.
- Your renewal request as been denied -- you will be asked to return the item as soon as possible. (Please note that lender libraries may choose not to allow a renewal at their discretion, even if they did not initially apply a 'NO RENEWALS' restriction.)
- You will receive an e-mail reply indicating the response given by the lending library:
- Your renewal request has been accepted; a temporary extension of two weeks has been applied to your loan due date, but your renewal must be processed by ILL staff and approved by the lending library. (You will not be able to submit any further renewal requests on this transaction. The 'Renew Request' command will no longer appear at the top of the page,since the loan transaction is now automatically reset to prevent any additional renewal requests.)
- You may now also request a renewal at the KSL Main Service Desk in person during regular service hours, provided the loan transaction is eligible. Ask a circulation staff member to check your ILLiad loan record in the 'Web Circulation' system.
- Contact ILL staff by phone at 216-368-3517 or 216-368-3463, or e-mail at, if you experience problems with automatic renewal requests (or if we need to submit a manual renewal request on your behalf).
- Additional Note: You will not be able to request a renewal on an item that still has a status of 'Customer Notified via E-Mail', as it will not appear in your list of 'Checked-Out Items' and will not display an option to renew in ILLiad.
- Transaction will appear in your list of 'Outstanding Requests'; contact ILL Staff to update record to the correct status to allow for renewals.
- When picking up loaned items from the KSL Main Service Desk, always remember to sign and date the checkout slip (which will be placed inside each loaned item retrieved from the hold shelf) and return it to the attendant staff member. Circulation staff can update the status of your loan transaction to 'Checked Out to Customer', and route the checkout slip to ILL staff for future reference.
- 'You can only renew this item between the dates of (original due date - 5 days) and (original due date).'
- Return to the Main Menu page, clicking on '(Your) ILLiad Page' to clear the screen and proceed with further transactions.
- When you are finished using ILLiad, please exit by pressing the 'Logoff (your Username)' link at the top of the Main Menu.
View Cancelled Requests
- Logon to ILLiad using your Username and Password.
- Under the 'View' section of the Main Menu, click the link to 'Cancelled Requests'.
- A table will be displayed which includes basic information about all your cancelled ILL requests -- those cancelled either by you or by ILL staff. The table will include the document type, title, author, and status.
- Select the appropriate transaction-number link for the cancelled request you wish to view, and detailed information tables will be displayed that include the citation information with original reason for cancellation, notes & dated status tracking for the specific request.
- To correct and re-submit a request see Re-submit a Request.
- Return to the Main Menu page, clicking on '(Your) ILLiad Page' to clear the screen and proceed with further transactions.
- When you are finished using ILLiad, please exit by pressing the 'Logoff (your Username)' link at the top of the Main Menu.
Re-submit a Request
NOTE: Do not attempt to re-submit a Cancelled Request simply by replying to the e-mail cancellation message with additional information. You must still return to the original transaction in ILLiad and edit the request form in order to re-submit it. We recommend you only use this function for requests that were cancelled in the recent past. To replicate an old or recent request, whether filled or not, see Clone a Request.
- Logon to ILLiad using your Username and Password.
- Under the 'View' section of the Main Menu, click the link to 'Cancelled Requests'.
- A table will be displayed which includes basic information about all your cancelled ILL requests -- those cancelled either by you or by ILL staff. The table will include the document type, title, author, and status.
- Select the appropriate transaction-number link for the cancelled request you wish to re-submit, and detailed information tables will be displayed that include the citation information with original reason for cancellation, notes & dated status tracking for the specific request.
- Select the 'Resubmit Request' command at the top of the table and a page similar to your original request form will be displayed.
- You will see all your data fields populated with your originally cited information, but you will now be able to re-enter or correct any of those which you wish to change -- remember always to be sure something is entered into all the fields marked as 'required', with a red asterisk "*".
- We suggest that you only re-submit cancelled requests for the following reasons:
- When you can provide additional information about the item that will aid in locating and obtaining it on a subsequent attempt (i.e., more details added to your citation, or information about the source of your citation -- under the section 'Where did you learn about this item?' in your request form)
- If you were asked by ILL staff to retry within a certain time frame, due to limited availability of material (e.g., theses and dissertations, newly published books or journal issues) at the recommendation of potential lender libraries
- When your request was originally cancelled due to determination by library staff of availability (at that particular time) of material in the collections of Kelvin Smith Library, other Case campus libraries, OhioLINK, Electronic Journals or other local resources, but which had became unavailable shortly thereafter
- When submission of a photocopy request no longer constitutes an infringement of Copyright (refer to our Copyright Page for further details)
- We suggest that you only re-submit cancelled requests for the following reasons:
- After entering all the corrected information, press the 'Submit Request' button. (You may also select the 'Cancel - Return to Main Menu' if you decide not to re-submit your cancelled request, or select 'Reset Form' to restore your original information and begin re-editing.)
- The Main Menu page reappears and displays a message -- '(Loan or Copy Type) Request Received. Transaction Number (original number).' -- confirming that
request has been received successfully after your changes have been made.
You may now proceed with further transactions.
- You may also edit or cancel this transaction later if you so choose, as long as ILL staff have not begun processing; see Editing a Request or Cancelling a Request for more information.
- Please note that a request which at any time had a status of 'Request Sent' in its tracking cannot be cancelled, but can still be edited.
- You may also edit or cancel this transaction later if you so choose, as long as ILL staff have not begun processing; see Editing a Request or Cancelling a Request for more information.
- Return to the Main Menu page, clicking on '(Your) ILLiad Page' to clear the screen and proceed with further transactions.
- When you are finished using ILLiad, please exit by pressing the 'Logoff (your Username)' link at the top of the Main Menu.
View Request History
- Logon to ILLiad using your Username and Password.
- Under the 'View' section of the Main Menu, click the link to 'Request History'.
- A table will be displayed which includes basic information about all your finished ILL requests -- articles you have already received by Electronic Delivery (viewed and deleted, or expired) and loans you have returned after checkout. The table will include the document type, title, author, and status ('Request Finished).
- Select the appropriate transaction-number link for the completed transaction you
to view, and detailed information tables will be displayed that include the citation information, notes & dated status tracking for the specific request.
- This function in ILLiad is for informational purposes only. You can view all the request information for materials already provided to you on interlibrary loan.
- This can help you avoid submitting duplicate requests for reproduced materials you have already received. (We recommend that you print or save all the PDF documents provided by Electronic Delivery through ILLiad when you first receive them, if you feel you will need them for future research use.)
- This can also help provide you with information if you need to re-submit loaned items previously borrowed, but needed again for further use.
- This function in ILLiad is for informational purposes only. You can view all the request information for materials already provided to you on interlibrary loan.
- Return to the Main Menu page, clicking on '(Your) ILLiad Page' to clear the screen and proceed with further transactions.
- When you are finished using ILLiad, please exit by pressing the 'Logoff (your Username)' link at the top of the Main Menu.
View All Requests
- Logon to ILLiad using your Username and Password.
- Under the 'View' section of the Main Menu, click the link to 'All Requests'.
- A table will be displayed which includes basic information about all the requests you have ever submitted through your KSL ILLiad account, at whatever status they currently are. The table will include the document type, title, author, and current status.
- Select the appropriate transaction-number link for the ILL transaction you
to view, and detailed information tables will be displayed that include the citation information, notes & dated status tracking for the specific request (most recent appears at bottom of this table).
- This function is provided so that you may view (and alter, if applicable) all your request transactions at one time:
- Outstanding Requests -- Requests that are still in process (or awaiting processing) and have not yet been filled by a lender library; you may be able to edit or cancel if they have not yet been processed by ILL staff. See also: View Outstanding Requests.
- Electronically Received Articles -- Articles that have been delivered to you in PDF format through your ILLiad account; you may view, download, save or print these (and delete them if they are no longer needed). See also: View Electronically Received Articles.
- Checked Out Items -- Items currently checked out to your ILLiad account; some may be eligible for renewal. See also: View Checked-Out Items.
- Cancelled Requests -- Requests that have been cancelled either by you, or by ILL staff (determined to be unfillable); can be re-submitted if you have additional information. See also: View Cancelled Requests.
- Finished Requests -- History of all your completed requests, i.e., reproduced materials you have already received by Electronic Delivery (viewed and deleted, or expired) and loans you have returned after checkout. See also: View Request History.
- Alternatively, you may perform a qualified search of request transactions by entering a keyword into the box in the upper right corner of your screen, selecting 'All' using the radio button, and then clicking the 'Search' button.
- This function is provided so that you may view (and alter, if applicable) all your request transactions at one time:
- If you need an explanation of ILLiad statuses when viewing your transactions, see Explanation of ILLiad Statuses.
- Return to the Main Menu page, clicking on '(Your) ILLiad Page' to clear the screen and proceed with further transactions.
- When you are finished using ILLiad, please exit by pressing the 'Logoff (your Username)' link at the top of the Main Menu.
Clone a Request
NOTE: Please do not use this feature to create duplicate requests. Additional transactions for identical materials in simultaneous existence for the same patron will be cancelled by ILL staff. To correct a recently cancelled request, see Re-submit a Request.
- Logon to ILLiad using your Username and Password.
- Under the 'View' section of the Main Menu, click the link to any of the available options there (except for 'Notifications'), or submit a search in the box appearing in the upper right-hand corner of your session page. (You may also refer to the 'Outstanding Requests', if any, appearing on your ILLiad Main page at the start of your logon session or when you refresh the site when you click on '(Your) ILLiad Page'.)
- A table will be displayed which includes basic information about your queried ILL requests. The table will include the document type, title, author, and status.
- Select the appropriate transaction-number link for the active or inactive request you wish to clone, and detailed information tables will be displayed that include the citation information with original reason for cancellation, notes & dated status tracking for the specific request.
- Select the 'Clone Request' command at the top of the table and a page similar to your original request form will be displayed.
- You will see all your data fields populated with your originally cited information, but you will now be able to re-enter or correct any of those which you wish to change (if necessary) -- remember always to be sure something is entered into all the fields marked as 'required', with a red asterisk "*".
- We suggest that you only clone requests for the following reasons:
- When you again require the use of loaned materials previously requested, basically in the identical form in which you originally had them provided, such as:
- Book or other loaned item which you had already borrowed (recently or in the distant past), used and returned, but need once again for your research
- Book or other loaned item which was borrowed on your behalf, but you were unable to sign out during the allotted loan period (and which had to be returned by ILL staff)
- Book or other loaned item which you currently have signed out, but are unable to request a renewal for -- not recommended in the case of rare items, reference materials or theses and dissertations
- When you again require the use of reproduced materials previously requested, basically in the identical form in which you originally had them provided, such as:
- PDF copy which had been provided to you (recently or in the distant past), which you were able to download but no longer can access due to exceeding its expiration or deleted past the time within which it could be undeleted
- PDF copy which had been provided to you (recently or in the distant past), which you were able to download but did not retain a copy of in your personal documents
- PDF copy which had been provided to you, but which you never had the opportunity to download due to exceeding its expiration time
- PDF copy which you have downloaded already, but was not of acceptable quality -- we suggest you avoid this option in the case of copyright-protected materials (see Copyright)
- If this is an active request, please contact ILL staff at 216-368-3463 or 216-368-3517, or at -- we will recycle the transaction for re-delivery of a new scan from a different supplier.
- When you again require the use of loaned materials previously requested, basically in the identical form in which you originally had them provided, such as:
- We suggest that you only clone requests for the following reasons:
- After verifying all the entered information, press the 'Submit Request' button. (You may also select the 'Cancel - Return to Main Menu' if you decide not to re-submit your cancelled request, or select 'Reset Form' to restore your original information and begin re-editing.)
- The Main Menu page reappears and displays a message -- '(Loan or Copy Type) Request Received. Transaction Number (new number).' -- confirming that
request has been received successfully after your changes have been made.
You may now proceed with further transactions.
- You may also edit or cancel this transaction later if you so choose, as long as ILL staff have not begun processing; see Editing a Request or Cancelling a Request for more information.
- Please note that a request which at any time had a status of 'Request Sent' in its tracking cannot be cancelled, but can still be edited.
- You may also edit or cancel this transaction later if you so choose, as long as ILL staff have not begun processing; see Editing a Request or Cancelling a Request for more information.
- Return to the Main Menu page, clicking on '(Your) ILLiad Page' to clear the screen and proceed with further transactions.
- When you are finished using ILLiad, please exit by pressing the 'Logoff (your Username)' link at the top of the Main Menu.
Check Status of Request
- Logon to ILLiad using your Username and Password.
- Select the appropriate transaction-number link for the ILL transaction you
to view -- note that the current or final status (and status date) will appear on the same line for the transaction in question -- from the table of 'Outstanding Requests' that appears when you first log into your account, or from any of the those tables that appear when you select the options under the 'View' section of the Main Menu:
- 'Outstanding Requests'
- 'Electronically Received Articles'
- 'Checked Out Items'
- 'Cancelled Requests'
- 'Request History'
- 'All Requests'
- Tables with detailed information will be displayed that include the following:
- Citation information (originally provided by you, or edited by you or by ILL staff)
- Notes (indicated by you or by ILL staff as part of processing)
- Dated status tracking (changes made by you, ILL staff or the ILLiad system)
- The bottom table labeled 'Tracking' will provide the entire chronological sequence of request statuses for the ILL transaction you wish to view.
- For an explanation of ILLiad statuses, see Explanation of ILLiad Statuses.
- Return to the Main Menu page, clicking on '(Your) ILLiad Page' to clear the screen and proceed with further transactions.
- When you are finished using ILLiad, please exit by pressing the 'Logoff (your Username)' link at the top of the Main Menu.
Explanation of Request Statuses
List of the Most Common and Significant ILL Request Statuses used in ILLiad:
Submitted by Customer - Request has been entered by patron through an ILLiad form.
Request Added Through Client - ILL staff have created a request transaction on patron's behalf, as a courtesy.
Awaiting Copyright Clearance - ILL staff to check request for copyright compliance.
Re-Submitted by Customer - Patron has made changes in request data prior to ILL staff processing.
Cancelled by Customer - Patron has indicated material not required, prior to ILL staff processing.
Awaiting Request Processing - ILL staff will process request at next available opportunity; patron may still edit or cancel request at this point.
Request in Processing - ILL staff are currently viewing this transaction, and are searching resources to supply requested material; patron may no longer edit or cancel request at this time.
Awaiting Special Loan Item Processing - Request has been submitted using the 'Other (Misc. Loan)' form (e.g., microfilms, audio-visual materials); transaction queued for special attention from ILL staff.
Awaiting Patent Request Processing - Request has been submitted using the 'Patent' form; transaction queued for special attention from ILL staff.
Awaiting Extensive Searching - ILL staff are researching additional resources in order to verify the citation of requested material, and may also be enlisting the assistance of Reference Librarians; patron may no longer edit or cancel request at this time.
Awaiting Internal Availability Searching - ILL staff have determined possible availability of material in the collections of Kelvin Smith Library, and are currently searching physical shelf status.
Awaiting ALA Request Processing, In ALA Request Print Queue, Awaiting ALA Request Message Processing - Request transaction is being referred to potential lender library via non-automated means of submission (mail, fax, online form, e-mail); total processing time may be longer than usual.
Request Sent - Request transaction has been sent to potential lender libraries; contact ILL staff if more specific details are required, by phone at (216) 368-3517 or e-mail at:
Awaiting Post Receipt Processing - Loaned material has been received by mail or courier, and has been logged into system by ILL staff.
Awaiting Borrowing Scanning - Photocopied item has been received by ILL staff in paper format by mail or fax, and is ready to be scanned for electronic delivery to patron.
Awaiting Article Exchange Retrieval, Awaiting Article Exchange Review - Lender library has supplied article by passworded URL site; ILL staff will inspect quality of scan and deliver material to patron.
Awaiting Odyssey Processing, In Electronic Delivery Processing - Lender library has supplied article by direct electronic transmission; ILL staff will inspect quality of scan and deliver material to patron.
Odyssey Document Received - Article has been received in electronic format from lending library, or has just been scanned from paper format by ILL staff for electronic delivery to patron.
Delivered to Web - Electronically delivered article is now ready to be picked up by logging into ILLiad account; patron has been notified by e-mail and will have up to 30 days to retrieve.
In Transit to Pickup Location - Loaned material has been processed by ILL staff, and is ready to be placed at the main service desk for pickup by patron (or designated authorized user).
Awaiting Customer Contact - Loaned material has been placed at the main service desk, and e-mail notification is queued to be sent to patron.
Customer Notified via E-Mail - Notification has been sent to patron indicating that loaned material is ready to be picked up at the KSL Main Service Desk - valid ID required.
Checked Out to Customer - Patron (or authorized user) has picked up loaned item, and turned in signed and dated checkout slip to library desk staff; ILL staff have updated transaction status accordingly. Patron may request renewal, if within 5 days prior to original due date & and item not marked with 'NO RENEWALS' restriction. (Distance Ed Graduates - ILL loaned items also shipped by courier to address in patron profile.)
Renewed by Customer to (original due date + 14 days) - Patron has submitted renewal request by logging on to ILLiad account.
Renewed by ILL Staff to (original due date + 14 days) - ILL staff have submitted renewal request per patron contact, as courtesy.
Awaiting Renewal OK Processing - Lender library has replied to renewal request & has agreed to extend loan period; ILL staff will notify patron of response via e-mail, including new due date.
Awaiting Denied Renewal Processing - Lender library has replied to renewal request & has refused to extend loan period; ILL staff will notify patron of response via e-mail - to be returned by original due date..
Awaiting Recalled Processing - Lender library has recalled loaned material, for immediate return; ILL staff will notify patron of response via e-mail.
Awaiting Conditional Processing - Potential lender library has informed ILL staff of condition by which requested material may or may not be supplied; special compliance may be required of patron or ILL staff.
Awaiting Unfilled Processing - Potential lender library (or group of libraries) has determined material cannot be supplied for specific reason; ILL staff may continue further processing of request or determine final inability to obtain.
Request Resubmitted for Processing - Continued attempt has been made to obtain material after receipt of previous unfilled status notification.
Awaiting RAPID Request Sending - ILL staff have determined that request may be provided through special automated processing service outside routine OCLC or ALA-form protocol.
Awaiting Future Request Processing - ILL staff have determined that request may be submitted to a potential lender library (per contact) within a reasonable length of time, but not at present; will continue processing at designated date.
Awaiting Lender Conditions Decision - Lender requires special conditions or permissions to be met before request can be filled; ILL staff have made additional contacts or arrangements.
Awaiting Patron Reply/Lender Conditions - Patron has been contacted by ILL staff regarding special requirements for filling request; awaiting reply from patron.
Awaiting Purchasing Decision - Requested material must be purchased as a special order rather than as a loan; additional cooperation is required from other library departments.
Item Not Picked Up - Patron has not picked up loaned item by original due date; ILL staff may choose to return material to lender library without notice.
In Transit from Customer - Patron has returned item to main service desk; circulation staff have checked in to clear patron of loan transaction -- material to be forwarded to ILL staff for return to lender library.
Awaiting Location Search/Claims Returned - Patron claims loaned item was returned, but is not checked in by circulation or ILL staff; item is being searched in possible transitory locations.
Item Checked In, Awaiting Return Label Printing - Patron has returned loaned item to main service desk; ILL staff have received and are preparing material for shipment back to lender library.
Request Finished - Loaned item has been returned to lender library by ILL staff after patron use completed, or electronically delivered article has been viewed and deleted by patron (or aged beyond 30-day period of availability and deleted from server by scheduled automatic clean-up).
Cancelled by ILL Staff - ILL staff have determined that material cannot be obtained through interlibrary loan, or is otherwise available to patron by more directly accessible means; reason for cancellation specified in e-mail contact to patron.
Additional Request Statuses Associated with Special Patron Types:
AWAITING DM DISTANCE ED PROCESSING or AWAITING KSL ALUMNI ONLINE PROCESSING - Equivalent to 'Awaiting Request Processing' for special patron types.
AWAITING KSL FACULTY ONLINE PROCESSING - Special courtesy electronic article delivery service for faculty; equivalent to 'Awaiting Request Processing'.
AWAITING KSL DEPOSITORY SCANNING - Special electronic article delivery service for 'Depository Request' users (non-KSL clientele for regular ILL services) & all regular KSL ILLiad users; equivalent to 'Awaiting Request Processing'.
AWAITING KSL SPECIAL FACULTY PICK-UP or AWAITING MUSIC SPECIAL FACULTY PICK-UP - ILL loaned material with 'Library Use Only' restriction has been received & awaits notification for Faculty use (where otherwise would be placed into Campus Delivery routing); holds at either Kelvin Smith Library or Kulas Music Library.
Awaiting Document Delivery Processing, Awaiting DD Stacks Searching - Request transaction has been routed for paging & searching in Kelvin Smith Library collections.
Awaiting ASV Scan Processing - Request transaction has been routed for paging & scanning in KSL Depository off-site storage collections.
ASV CITATION INQUIRY - KSL Depository off-site storage staff require further information; KSL staff will attempt to provide corrections to original citations, in reply.
In DD Stacks Searching - Paging slip has been printed & requested material is being searched in KSL collections.
Awaiting Doc Del Scanning - Material has been located in KSL collections, and is ready to be scanned for electronic delivery to patron.
Item Found, Awaiting Doc Del Customer Contact - Loaned material has been located and processed by ILL staff, and is being prepared for shipment to Distance Ed Graduate by courier (or held at KSL Main Service desk for pickup by patron or designated authorized user, if requested).
Doc Del Customer Notified via E-Mail, Request Finished - Patron has been notifed of shipment of item loaned from KSL collection to patron to address in patron profile (or that item on hold at KSL Main Service Desk, if local pickup preferred); item is already checked out in local circulation system. (Refer to Library Catalog for checkout status, due date & renewal availability.)
ASV Unable to Supply, AWAITING POST-DEPOSITORY REVIEW - Material determined to be unavailable at KSL Depository off-site storage; request will be routed for interlibrary loan processing (for KSL ILLiad regular users only) or cancellation (Depository Request & Alumni Online Library users).
Doc Del Item Not Found - Material determined not to be available in Kelvin Smith Library collections (reason may also be specified); request transaction to be routed for interlibrary loan processing.
View Notifications
- Logon to ILLiad using your Username and Password.
- Under the 'View' section of the Main Menu, click the link to 'Notifications'.
- A table will be displayed which includes a list of the most recent e-mail notifications (up to 20) that have been sent to you from the ILLiad system, in chronological order with the latest appearing at the top.
- Select the link indicated by the 'Subject' of the notification, to view the text of the e-mail notification.
- You may click on the transaction-number link appearing below the message text and above the date the message was sent, to view detailed information tables for the corresponding request. (If the transaction is at an appropriate status, you may also be able to edit, cancel, or re-submit -- see Editing a Request, Cancelling a Request or Re-submit a Request.)
- If you click on 'Subscribe to Notifications Feed' you can view all your notifications together on the same page -- you may sort by date or title (in ascending or descending order).
- Use your browser's 'Back' button to return to your ILLiad session screen, or click on the green right-arrow '
' (in Internet Explorer) or Subject Link (in Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox) appearing above any of your messages, to return to the corresponding detailed notification information within your ILLiad session.
- Use your browser's 'Back' button to return to your ILLiad session screen, or click on the green right-arrow '
- Return to the Main Menu page, clicking on '(Your) ILLiad Page' to clear the screen and proceed with further transactions.
- When you are finished using ILLiad, please exit by pressing the 'Logoff (your Username)' link at the top of the Main Menu.
Can't Logon?
There are several reasons you could be having trouble logging into ILLiad, for which you may receive an error message -- 'Username not in database. Set up new account using "First Time Users" option.' or 'Password incorrect.' (or other various messages, mentioned further below) -- at the logon screen:
- You may not yet be registered in the Kelvin Smith Library ILLiad system. Please note that members of the Case Western Reserve University community will not automatically have an ILLiad patron profile set up for them in advance. If you are eligible, please click on the 'First Time Users' link on the main Logon page to set up your account for interlibrary loan services.
- You may have entered an incorrect Username or Password (or left one or both fields blank before clicking on the 'Logon to ILLiad' button). Passwords are case sensitive. Check the Caps Lock on your keyboard: Did you have the Caps Lock on when you registered to use the ILLiad Request System (and selected your Password)? Is it on now, while you are trying to log into your account?
- Have you forgotten your Username or Password? If you cannot remember your Username, please contact the Interlibrary Loan office by phone at 216-368-3463 or 216-368-3517 (9AM-4:30PM M-F), or by e-mail at If you have forgotten your Password, you may select 'Forgot Password?' at the main logon screen -- see FAQ page. If you experience any difficulties or have further questions at this point, then please contact Interlibrary Loan staff -- ONLY ILL staff members can tell you the correct Username for your currently active account, or reset your Password (if necessary). Please do not re-register as a first time user if you cannot login -- this will create future confusion, and will necessitate merging of accounts at a later time (see more below).
- It is also possible that you may currently have two or more active accounts previously created -- these cannot have been assigned the same Username by you at the time of setup, and may or may not use the same Password. If you attempt to login with one Username and the Password from a different ILLiad account, you will receive an error message. If you suspect this is the case, we suggest you contact ILL staff at so that we may merge any unwanted duplicate accounts -- this is the preferred arrangement, as all your request transactions will then be transferred to and be accessible from a single account.
- Your ILLiad account may have been purged from our system. We periodically remove old, inactive accounts to conserve space on our server. If necessary, we suggest that you set up a new ILLiad account profile to reinstate your interlibrary loan service, provided you fit the criteria of a Kelvin Smith Library ILL user (see below).
- You may have pressed the button 'Logon to ILLiad' more than once. This slows the system down. Please do not press ANY button more than once.
- The University home page or the Kelvin Smith Library home page may be experiencing system downtime, and may interfere with your access to ILLiad -- try checking these at or to verify if this is the case, and try logging into your ILLiad account at a later time. Direct logon is at: (bookmark this in case the 'ILLiad' link in the KSL Library Services page is broken or inaccessible). In some cases, library or university network issues may cause you to receive the message 'Unable to connect to Patron API server.' -- please contact the KSL Main Service Center at 216-368-3506 or ILL staff at 216-368-3517 or 216-368-3463 immediately to report this problem.
- Your general CASE circulation account may be blocked due to expiration, excessive fines, etc. For example, you may receive the message 'Blocked due to library fines. Please contact KSL service desk at 216-368-3506 for further assistance.' User accounts must be in good standing to receive Interlibrary Loan privileges; if not in good standing, proper authentication will not occur when logging into your ILLiad account. Please check with the Main Service Desk at 216-368-3506, for further information on the status of your circulation account.
- Your general CASE circulation account may contain a different CASE ID number than is currently in your ILLiad profile. This will be due to the University's policy of no longer using Social Security Numbers for administrative purposes, and will affect your ability to log into a current ILLiad account or create a new account -- you may receive the message 'Blocked due to user not found.' in this case. You may search the number currently used for this purpose at the following link: CASE Account Number. Please check with the Main Service Desk at 216-368-3506, to make corrections to the information contained in your circulation account and verify that your CASE Account Number properly appears there. If necessary, contact the Interlibrary Loan office by phone at 216-368-3517 or 216-368-3463, to confirm that this number also exists currently in your active ILLiad account, if you are still unable to log in. We will make the needed corrections, but ask that you not attempt to create a new ILLiad account in the mean time. We also recommend, for security reasons, that you not contact us with your CASE Account Number or ILLiad password (or any other of your passwords) via e-mail.
- An account you may have set up previously might have been disavowed, as ILL Staff may have determined that you are ineligible for registration in the Kelvin Smith ILLiad system. When you attempt to log into your account, you will receive the message 'You have been disavowed and may not log into the Kelvin Smith Library ILLiad system.' along with additional contact information. Reasons your KSL ILLiad account may have been disavowed are as follow:
- If you are affiliated with the School of Medicine, the School of Dental Medicine, the School of Nursing (Faculty or Staff), or any other health-science related department, you should register in the Cleveland Health Sciences Library's ILLiad system; for further assistance, contact at (216) 368-6420. (Nursing students may register at both KSL and CHSL ILLiad sites.)
- Departments such as Biochemistry, Environmental Health Sciences, Epidemiology & Biostatistics, Molecular Biology & Microbiology, Neurosciences, Nutrition, and Physiology & Biophysics (School of Medicine) may also have undergraduate programs. If you are enrolled in any of these, you should set up your ILLiad account with the Cleveland Health Sciences Library. Undergraduates and graduates in the School of Nursing may now register in the Kelvin Smith Library ILLiad system as well as with Cleveland Health Sciences Library.
- If you are from the Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences, you should register in the MSASS Library's ILLiad system; for further assistance, contact at (216) 368-2155.
- If you are from the School of Law, you should register in the Law Library's ILLiad system; for further assistance, contact at (216) 368-8862.
- If you are from the Cleveland Institute of Music, you may use their online ILL Library Services Page, and you should contact their library for ILL policy information at (216) 707-4508.
- If you are from the Cleveland Institute of Art, you should contact their library for ILL services at (216) 421-7440 or visit their Library Services Page.
- If you are from the Cleveland Clinic (Lerner College), contact their library at (216) 444-5697 or refer to their Library Page.
- If you are from University Hospitals (residents, other staff), contact their library at (216) 844-1208 or use their Library Mobile App; you may also visit their home page URL, but must do so from within the hospital's intranet system only.
- Alumni must use their public library systems (or current academic or corporate libraries) for ILL services in excess of their OhioLINK borrowing privileges; the may use ILLiad only for KSL internal document delivery scanning, as part of the Alumni Online Library service.
- Duplicate Accounts created by the same patron may have been merged at some point, and possibly only one is currently active; any others will be marked as 'Disavowed' and cannot be used to log into ILLiad -- contact ILL Staff for assistance in determining the correct Username for your active account.
- If you are affiliated with the School of Medicine, the School of Dental Medicine, the School of Nursing (Faculty or Staff), or any other health-science related department, you should register in the Cleveland Health Sciences Library's ILLiad system; for further assistance, contact at (216) 368-6420. (Nursing students may register at both KSL and CHSL ILLiad sites.)
- Make sure you are logging into the correct site. You may have properly set up your account in the ILLiad system of Cleveland Health Sciences Library, MSASS Library, or Law Library, but are trying to log in using the Kelvin Smith ILLiad logon page.
Can't Submit Requests?
Your ILLiad account may be BLOCKED automatically, once any one or more loaned items currently checked out to you become overdue by 14 days or more. (ILL staff may also block an ILLiad account manually, at our discretion.)
- ILL privileges are limited for patrons whose accounts have been blocked, as such:
- No new loan or photocopy requests may be submitted.
- If you attempt to submit a new request, you will receive the message 'You have been blocked and may not submit new requests. Contact ILL staff at (216) 368-3517 or 368-3463, or at, for assistance.'
- You may still view electronically delivered articles (if within 30 days of original notification).
- You may still request renewals of loaned items -- must be within 5 days prior to original due date or not already overdue, and must not have a 'NO RENEWALS' restriction.
- You may still edit or cancel any outstanding requests submitted prior to blocking and not already processed by ILL staff (i.e., with status of 'Request Sent').
- No new loan or photocopy requests may be submitted.
Once all such long-overdue items are returned and loan transactions are cleared in ILLiad, ILL staff will also unblock your account. Please note that any items that are excessively overdue will not be eligible for renewals, and must be returned as soon as possible. Also, loans consisting of multiple parts must be returned in their entirety before the transaction can be cleared in ILLiad -- if you have not returned all parts, the material is still considered 'Checked Out'. When you return loaned items to the KSL Main Service Desk, they will be cleared from a 'Checked Out' status in your ILLiad account, usually within an hour under ordinary circumstances.
If your account is blocked and you have concerns or questions, please contact the Interlibrary Loan office by phone at 216-368-3463 or 216-368-3517, or by e-mail at
Can't Find Requests?
Your requests may be in several categories. Here is an overview of the different methods by which you may search for your request transactions in your ILLiad account:
- Outstanding Requests -- Requests that are still in process (or awaiting processing) and have not yet been filled by a lender library; you may be able to edit or cancel if they have not yet been processed by ILL staff. These automatically appear when you log into your account, select the 'Main Menu' link, or click the link to 'Outstanding Requests' under the 'View' section of the Main Menu. See also: View Outstanding Requests.
- Electronically Received Articles -- Articles that have been delivered to you in PDF format through your ILLiad account; you may view, download, save or print these (and delete them if they are no longer needed). Under the 'View' section of the Main Menu, click the link to 'Electronically Received Articles'. See also: View Electronically Received Articles.
- Checked Out Items -- Items currently checked out to your ILLiad account; some may be eligible for renewal. Under the 'View' section of the Main Menu, click the link to 'Checked Out Items'. See also: View Checked-Out Items.
- Cancelled Requests -- Requests that have been cancelled either by you, or by ILL staff (determined to be unfillable); can be re-submitted if you have additional information. Under the 'View' section of the Main Menu, click the link to 'Cancelled Requests'. See also: View Cancelled Requests.
- Request History -- History of all your completed requests, i.e., reproduced materials you have already received by Electronic Delivery (viewed and deleted, or expired) and loans you have returned after checkout. Under the 'View' section of the Main Menu, click the link to 'Request History'. See also: View Request History.
- All Requests -- All the requests you have ever submitted through your KSL ILLiad account, at whatever status they currently are. Under the 'View' section of the Main Menu, click the link to 'All Requests'. See also: View All Requests.
If you have trouble locating a request please contact the Interlibrary Loan office at 216-368-3517 or e-mail Additional reasons you may not be able to locate transactions or download PDF files:
- Older requests may be purged as a part of regular system maintenance, and can no longer be accessed.
- Electronically Delivered Articles may have been automatically deleted after 30 days past original notification; these will appear under 'Request History' rather than 'Electronically Delivered Articles'.
- Make sure you have not previously set up more than one ILLiad account -- some of transactions may have been entered using a different patron record. If you have logged in with one Username, you will not be able to access any request records that were submitted under another Username. If ILL staff have already merged multiple accounts you have created, then all your transactions will have been transferred to the single active account, and you will not be able to login with any of the other Usernames. Contact the ILL office by phone at 216-368-3517 or 216-368-3463, or e-mail at, to inquire if you have set up multiple accounts or whether they have already been merged, or to request that multiple accounts you are aware of be merged for your convenience.
- Make sure you are logging into the correct site. You may have properly set up your account in the ILLiad system of Cleveland Health Sciences Library, MSASS Library, or Law Library, but are trying to log in using the Kelvin Smith ILLiad logon page. If you have also set up an account in the Kelvin Smith Library's ILLiad system, you will not be able to access any request transactions submitted in accounts set up in the ILLiad systems of other Case campus libraries -- please note that you should only need to be registered in the ILLiad system of one campus library location, based on the university department with which you are currently affiliated. In order to be properly registered in the ILLiad system of the Kelvin Smith Library, you should be affiliated with an academic or administrative department of one of the following university divisions:
- The College of Arts and Sciences
- The Case School of Engineering
- The Weatherhead School of Management
- The School of Nursing (graduate & undergraduate students only)
- University Central Administration Departments
- Other CWRU Community Users: Alumni Online Library & Depository Request registrants (special library user statuses)
See also the Can't Logon? section (above) for more information regarding other university library ILLiad systems or ILL resources, and their relation to other university divisions or affiliated institutions.